So, that closet challenge….

Hey, it’s Friday! Let’s have some fashion!

I haven’t totally forgotten about my self-challenge. I just haven’t really been bothering to take pictures. Truth be told, now that temperatures have dropped to winter levels, I’m once again finding it difficult to be inspired by my wardrobe. All I want to wear are sweaters and pants, and I’ve been rather dissatisfied with my selection of those. Fashion diet or not, it might be time to make a run to the thrift store and see if I can at least swap a couple of things out. Especially the sweaters–I’m craving some color!

I’ve also been pondering the whole idea that’s been going around the blogosphere of cake vs. frosting and everyday wearable stuff. Now, I’m not one of those people who hangs onto every piece of clothing ever–my closet size just won’t allow it. But I do find it difficult to let go of me-mades that I still genuinely like, even if I have trouble finding ways to wear them. Since ’tis the season for all things shiny, here’s two that are giving me a bit of a conundrum:
silverskirtPlease pardon that expression on my face–this picture is basically me trying to take pictures of my me-mades while standing on my bed while I was in college! And this was the only one I could find of it. So this is a very simple skirt–bias-cut, elastic waist, silver satin. I like the shiny, liquidy, sci-fi look of it. And yet, I hardly ever wear it. It’s a very thin fabric, so it’s not very warm. And I kind of feel like I can only wear it around Christmas…it just has that sort of feel to it. It might be time to put this one into the refashion pile–with some careful cutting and maybe pairing it with a trim or another fabric to dress it down some, it might make a cute woven camisole/layering-type thing. Hmmm.


This one is a little tougher. Meet the “Inara” shirt. This was also one of my college-era makes, and this picture was taken the last time I wore it, in February. (Doug was taking me out to see the local orchestra for my birthday, and we decided to dress up some.) I do love this shirt–it’s shiny, it’s green, it fits well, and it has dragons on it. And yes, for all of my fellow geeks out there, I totally styled this one off of the shirt that Inara wore in the “Our Mrs. Reynolds” episode of Firefly. But this is also pretty much the only way I know how to wear it–with a black skirt, or maybe black pants. I would really like to put this one in more regular rotation, but I need to find a way to dress it down!

I guess it’s off to Pinterest and Polyvore to find some inspiration…especially since I have 2 more pieces of brocade in my stash that I need to use up at some point!

Edit: Double that number. I’ve been flipping through my stash notebook lately to scope out some possibilities for a couple of other patterns that I’ve acquired recently, and I somehow have two different pieces of white brocade that I’m pretty sure were hand-me-downs from a project that my mom didn’t do. I guess that’s what I get for having the sartorial sensibilities of a magpie and liking shiny things.

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