Project Runway–the final five!

Well, PR last night certainly had its surprises…

I really liked the challenge–taking fashion inspiration from paintings was a really fun idea. And I love that they limited them to which rooms they could go into in the Met so that no one was able to pull from the crazy modern stuff.

I really am sorry to see Sweet P go. Especially after being the only one cut when the original idea was to cut two. But I really wasn’t thrilled with her dress last night– peacock had way more potential than she gave it.

Rami’s dress wasn’t really a surprise. As Nina pointed out, him doing Greco-Roman draping wasn’t a surprise at all. It was a pretty dress, but nothing new. And while I thought Chris’s dress was certainly interesting, well-made, and interpreted the painting well, the judges had a point about how recently it had been done by him and Christian on the show. It was an interesting twist, having the two of them compete one last time to see who really gets the third Fashion Week slot, and I’ll be looking forward to seeing what happens. Especially Rami, since he seems determined to go his own way. Unless he takes some major risk, my gut tells me Chris will get it. (And part of me hopes he does, just to see what he would do with an entire collection, though Rami’s clothes are undeniably lovely. I also have to admit that I’m glad Chris has a shot at Fashion Week just because to be the only contestant eliminated twice in the history of the show would kind of suck.)

I’m really excited that Jillian got one of the spots, actually. I thought she would crack under the pressure, but she didn’t. And I absolutely loved her outfit last night– it was my favorite one going down the runway.

Christian… what was UP with that shirt? It reminded me of the infamous Seinfeld “puffy shirt”. And definitely would have been better suited to the Ren Faire than the average woman’s wardrobe. (Um, let me make that the Ren Faire on a guy, since I happen to like the Ren Faire.) And I think he actually managed to pinpoint what it is I dislike about his style on the show last night– he admitted he likes to play with the idea of androgeny. Now, I wouldn’t say I’m a girly girl by any means. But that doesn’t mean I want to dress in a way that makes me look indistinguishable from a guy. (Since I have the curves, I might as well work with them, you know?) The kid has talent, I won’t deny that. But he’s such an arrogant pig that I’d love to see him make some huge blunder and fall flat on his face. He could use a bit of humbling.

Anyway, two weeks till the big finale. Not sure if I’ll write about next week’s episode. Probably won’t, since the odds of it degenerating into a mudslinging fest are pretty high.

4 thoughts on “Project Runway–the final five!

  1. I CAN’T WAIT until next week’s mudslinging fest! Especially when Heidi rips on SourFace Victorya.< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Click here<> for DavidDust’s Project Runway recap.


  2. I was sorry for Sweet P, too. She and Chris have been my favorites. Christian is weird, but I do have to say he’s very creative. In a way, everyone who even gets on PR is a winner–what great exposure! At the very least, it’s great exposure for those who make it this far. I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of Sweet P. I just wish she’d put a little more effort into her peacock dress…maybe an awesome cascade of multi-colored ruffles? Do you ever look at the ‘losing’ designs and think of ways you would have improved them? I know I do!


  3. I was sad to see Sweet P go. I kinda had the same thoughs about the show as you. I hope Chris gets to show. I don’t think I can handle both Rami and Jillian going. I don’t think that would be a good show to watch.


  4. I have to say that I loved Christian’s outfit in the last episode. It really shows a great imagination and the Levi’s challenge really showed that he can do RTW things also. But no one comments on the fact that he always does the same puff sleeve on his jackets with a pair of pants. He’s done that three times but Rami gets slammed for his draping. I haven’t counted how many times he’s done a draping dress.


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