Friday Favorites

So many of the craft blogs I’ve been keeping an eye on have weekly features, like Mom2fur‘s “Sew Crafty Friday”, and Sharon‘s Thursday dog post and “Flashback Fridays”, and I’ve really enjoyed reading those. So I’m going to attempt my own little weekly mini-feature here. But since I do too much crafting to reserve all that for once a week, and “flashbacks” for me would probably consist of vague fuzziness from when I was a kid (or laughing over some of the bizzare things I sewed for myself in middle/high school that I unfortunately don’t have pictures of), I’m just going to post about some of my favorite things that I’ve seen in the crafty blogosphere this week.

1. The Big List Of Sewing Blogs. I’ve only known about this list since this week, but apparently it knew about me a little longer because somehow I ended up on there! I haven’t had a chance to get through more than maybe the first ten on the list yet, but it’s always fun to find new people’s blogs to get inspired by. (And now that I finally know how to work Bloglines, it’ll be a little easier to keep up with reading them all!)

2. Lydia’s chicken enchiladas. She always has the most yummy-looking food on her blog, and this is giving me serious cravings for Mexican. I’m really going to have to try this once I have some time to cook. (While I’m at it, I’ll just throw in a shameless plug for her blog–I actually knew Lydia growing up, since she’s the younger sister of one of my high school classmates and we were in art classes together. Besides her cooking, she’s amazingly talented at making cards and invitations and stuff. If I had need for anything like wedding invitations or baby shower invitations, I would definitely order them from her. But I don’t yet, so the rest of you should. 😉

3. Sweet Pepita’s Etsy Shop, as seen on Crafting A Green World. She makes infant through toddler clothes from recycled T-shirts and organic knits. It makes me seriously wish I had a baby just so I could tote him or her around in a recycled Counting Crows shirt and laugh at all the shocked faces of my Baby Gap-shopping friends with kids. As it is, I’m trying to figure out if I can afford one of these for my high-school best friend (whom I still keep in touch with on a regular basis), since she’s pregnant with her second child and she’s the type who would appreciate the recycled/organic thing.

4. How to make a “slack dress”. Leave it to ThreadBanger to take a pair of men’s pants and turn them into a dress. This one looks rather nice, actually, and like it would be easy to customize, so I’m tempted to try it. Of course, I’d have to fiddle with the actual directions a bit…unlike the girl who demonstrated how to make it, I would need darts.

Anyway, that’s it for this week’s edition. And since I have some time to kill before I go teach, I’m going to go resume work on the Kaylee shirt.

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Wow!!! Thanks Becky!! I’m so honored to be linked to your blog this week! 🙂 What an honor!!! This made me so happy. Thanks for the plug too,…I really appreciate it! YES! Order invitations from me, everyone! 😉 Hee hee hee…And, MAKE THOSE ENCHILADAS! They’re SOO yummy! You will be happy you did!!


  2. Too bad you don’t have a photo of that playhouse you commented about – then I could visit your blog and covet your playhouse too, LOL. But wasps? Gotta tell ya, I probably would have abandoned the dream playhouse also. Great that you’ll do a once a week round up of your favorite crafty blog readings! I’m already looking forward to all the fun things I’ll discover thru your links.


  3. Thanks! But I have to give credit where it is due. Sew Crafty Friday originates on a blog called “Waiting for Him” by a lovely lady named Shereen. Her link is on my sidebar.


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